Official Blondie Web Site Staff
Louis A Bustamante Louis A Bustamante

Check out Louis' site Tiki Lab featuring the DHBIS (Deborah Harry and Blondie Internet Service) forums, and the Deborah Harry Home Page for more info on Debbie and her various projects.

Barry L. Kramer Barry L. Kramer
Official Archivist and Technical Guru

Visit Barry's personal web site, MySpace page, and the Debbie Harry Collector's Society featuring lots of archival material.
He is the author and editor of the Blondie Gig List.

Contributors Additional Contributors

Martin Acampora, Tony Alvarez, Atomicboy, Jeff Bando, Keir Bailey, Judy Barnett, Nicholas Bateman, Roberta Bayley, Bob Betts, Dennis Blair, Keith Brady, Louis A Bustamante, Rich B., Philippe Carly, Lawrence Cant, David Carmody, Steve Castle, Bob Celli, Mick Coates, Jan Coch, Sesu Coleman, Kevin Cooney, Peter Cunane, Hayley Davies, Jamie Lee Day, Yves Deplasse, Donna Destri, Jerome Diard, Thomas Dixon, Brian Dope, Scott Duffield, Greg Earle, John E. Espinosa, Carlos Meza Ferradas, Rob Fisher, Karen Fournier, Marion Frerichs, Howard Gaines, Antony Garner, Nicolas Gibelin, Richard Gorvin, Liam Hanrahan, John Harden, Mike Hibbert, Billy Hibble, Doug Hinman, Ernstl Hofbauer, Kasey Holloway, Bob Horrocks, Edwin Hunter, Lawrence Impey, Peter Jones, Mark Jordan, Joe Josephson, Mona Kääriäinen, Jonna Kieleväinen, Bob Kilfeather, April Kincaid, Stephanie Koppel, John Labrow, Tapani Laiho, Jeff Levin, Paul "Blowfish" Lovell, Lauren MacLean, Pat Maloney, Julio Perez Manzanares, Thomas Manzi, Alan McClean, Jim McGowan, Gordon McWilliams, Robert Mercer, Angélique Mert, Scott Milling, Lesley Morgan, Mike Morton, Laura Mountain, Eddie Munoz, Karri Mutanen, Gregory Nicoll, Billy O'Connor, Adrienne O'Donnell, Deborah Olin, Robert Owens, Julio Pérez, Alan Perry, Marshal Peters, Paul Phipps, Robert Pitts, Robert Pranzatelli, Scott Preston, David Prince, John Reagan, George Rendall, Ira Robbins, Alan Robinson, Max Robinson, Fred Rose, Scott Ruppert, Joe Ryan, Michael Sanderson, Craig Schamp, Carl Schneider, Craig Schofield, Sean Shafer, Michelle Shinn, Hans Shoop, Barbara Sicuranza, Tom Sime, Chris kornia, Fred Smith, Martin Smith, Enric Solé, John Stanton, Stan Stark, Phyllis Stein, Mark D. R. Stern, Mike Stokes, Rick Strobl, Michelle Stuart, Peter Stupar, Dan Tandarich, Iannis Tzovanis, Michael Valentine, Els Van Landuyt, Walter Van Treek, Marguerite Vigliante, Sébastien Vuignier, Igor Vukomanovic, Kenneth M. Walsh, Tim Walters, Colin Wilcox, Tad Williams, Tom Wynbrandt, Roman Wynnycky, and Napoleon Zivkovic all individually contributed information and/or images to the Blondie Gig List and the Blondie historical timeline.

Michelle Shinn contributes to the maintenance of the source file for the Gig List and is conducting ongoing original research about early Blondie and pre-Blondie history to establish important dates and improve the accuracy of the timeline using information obtained by searching the vintage written record in published works, public repositories, and private collections.
A very special thanks to Michelle for her original research of the New York Public Library's microfilm holdings of weekly periodicals that led to the discovery of the earliest known advertisements for Blondie gigs and to finding a keystone in Blondie history: the advertisement placed by Debbie and Chris in the Village Voice on March 10, 1975 that landed drummer Clem Burke his place in Blondie -- for the past 40+ years.

The published works of: Debbie Harry, Chris Stein, and Victor Bockris; Lester Bangs; Clinton Heylin; George Gimarc; Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain; Roberta Bayley; Mick Rock; Dick Porter and Kris Needs; John Holmstrom; Tony Fletcher; Will Hermes; Cathay Che, Paul Zone, and Allan Metz have contributed important general knowledge, timeline frameworks, corroborative data, and specific information that is cited as accurately as possible within the Gig List.


April Kincaid provided the "No Exit" era tour videos and soundbytes.

Heather Ashcraft originally compiled the Radio Station List, with help from John Fehling, Bill Foley, Andy Dunn and Tammy in Boston. Julia Connett, Luther Orrick-Guzman, Dave McManus, Mick Mercer, Mike Morton, and Robert Tuozzo have contributed images for our Gallery features.

David Efros contributed to the weblinks in the tour schedule. Steve Castle contributed to the weblinks on the news page.

Special thanks to Chris Stein, Clem Burke, Matt Katz-Bohen, Paul Carbonara, Jimmy Destri, Kevin Patrick, Tommy Kessler, Leigh Foxx, and Deborah Harry for providing materials, keeping us in the loop, and making and continuing to make the music that inspired the whole thing.